Tag Archives: mega run

Top 5 Game Apps for iPad


The iPad/iPhone has changed the way people game today. Casual gamers have become increasingly popular in todays society over more serious gamers. It seems that now people can’t sit still and watch TV (or doing pretty much anything for that matter) unless they are doing something on their phones. This growing trend has encouraged our second entry to our series to focus more on pleasure than business – Games! 


Angry Birds HD $2.99 – Obvious first answer, we know, but it really is addicting. Many gamers started off flinging those crazy birds on iPhone’s but we must admit the experience is amplified on the iPad. Between the Original game, Seasons, Space, and Rio it’s almost impossible to ever get tired of playing.


Solitaire FREE – An oldie but a goodie, because who doesn’t love a good game of solitaire? It’s on almost every electronic device but, it never gets old; especially when you can compare yourself to everyone else through the leaderboard.


Mega Run – Redford’s Adventure FREE – We recently downloaded this game but we can’t put it down! It’s a mix of the original Mario Bros game and Temple Run. “Redford” runs through a maze where he has to escape monsters in order to survive. As the game goes on you unlock more powers and characters to increase speed and ability in order to earn more money. We just can’t get enough! 


Bejewled HD $3.99 – One of the best strategy games around. Bejeweled has been on the iPhone forever but just recently became available for the iPad. Not only did they add more games and levels than before but it is tailored for The New iPad through its amazing graphics for the retina display.


Fruit Ninja HD $2.99 – Who knew that slicing fruit could be so fun? As the game goes on more fruit comes across the screen in larger and faster portions along with bombs. An added bonus to the game is the ability to challenge friends in the ‘Zen Duel.’ Fruit Ninja will entertain gamers at any age and promises to keep you on the edge of your seat at all times. 

Paige Parker

Tablet Claw (Idea Harvest, LLC)
